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Microsoft Teams (5)

gcc high for microsoft teams security provisions

2 min read

What to Know about GCC High for Microsoft Teams Security Provisions

As the world embraces the digital workplace, the government agencies and contractors have not fully embraced remote working. While most organizations...

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microsoft teams versus cisco webex understanding the differences

3 min read

Microsoft Teams and Cisco Webex: Understanding the Difference

When it comes to workplace communication platforms, there are many factors that organizations must consider when choosing a workstream collaboration...

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calltower gcc high security requirements microsoft teams

2 min read

GCC High for Microsoft Teams: Security Requirements

Government agencies have some of the most stringent security requirements in the world and for good reason. The data and information they handle are...

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gcc high for microsoft teams cybersecurity security requirement

2 min read

GCC High for Microsoft Teams: The Security Requirements

The Microsoft Teams Government Cloud High baseline requirements provide a consistent set of security controls across all Office 365 GCC High...

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calltower microsoft teams benefits voice enabled

1 min read

Six Benefits of Voice Enabled Microsoft Teams

Microsoft has recently introduced Voice-enabled Microsoft Teams, allowing users to communicate with each other in a more natural and engaging way....

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microsoft teams voice enabled features calltower

2 min read

Top 5 Benefits of Using Microsoft Teams With Voice Enabled Features

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that business users are utilizing to improve their communication and workflow. With Microsoft Teams,...

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microsoft teams international company unifiy

3 min read

How Microsoft Teams Can Unify an International Company

In a globalized economy, the workplace has become increasingly borderless. Employees are no longer confined to one country or one time zone....

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calltower microsoft teams collaboration

2 min read

The 9 Best Collaboration Elements of Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaboration tool that can help teams be more productive and efficient. However, with so many features and options, it...

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