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Microsoft Teams (10)

microsoft teams crm tools integration salesforce tower

2 min read

Integrating Microsoft Teams with CRM Tools

Microsoft Teams provides your business or organization with the enterprise security and compliance features you expect to receive from Microsoft...

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video collaboration channel sales business woman laptop

2 min read

Using Video Collaboration in Channel Sales

It wasn’t long ago that a communication method we once only saw in science fiction became a reality. Now anyone can video chat with their loved ones,...

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microsoft teams direct routing having fun

2 min read

Having Fun with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has become a major tool during the recent coronavirus pandemic as many companies made the adjustment to have their employees work...

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microsoft teams direct routing roi of collaboration team laptops

3 min read

Microsoft Teams and the ROI of Collaboration

The shared workspace that combines several of the communication and collaboration solutions within Microsoft 365 is known as Microsoft Teams....

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microsoft teams updates 2020

5 min read

6 New Microsoft Teams Updates Coming in 2020

One of the fastest growing collaboration products in the world is Microsoft Teams. Today businesses and organizations are using Microsoft Teams for...

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microsoft teams direct routing voice office phone

2 min read

Making the Call: Microsoft Teams Direct Routing for Voice

One of the fastest growing collaboration products in the world is Microsoft Teams. Today businesses and organizations are using Microsoft Teams for...

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microsoft teams recent updates logo

2 min read

Two Big Recent Updates from Microsoft Teams

Now that nearly half of all American workers are working from home, everyone is looking for new and better ways to stay in touch, and many offices...

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microsoft teams audio conferencing meeting room

2 min read

Microsoft Teams and Audio Conferencing: A Perfect Match

In today's working environment, there have been many requests made in regard to Microsoft Teams conference bridges. When you hold a license to...

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