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CallTower: Bring Your Own Bandwidth Networks

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blur-clear-sky-close-up-423367With a robust global network offering redundant connections through leading providers, CallTower can connect to almost any place at any time. 

Customers can also choose to maintain their own connections, bring your own bandwidth (BYOB) by procuring their own internet from a local service provider rather than using CallTower's own network. 

Benefits of BYOB

By keeping internet provider options open, customers can more directly manage their bandwidth needs. Some organizations require massive channels of data delivery and are prepared to foot the bill, while others might not need such volume and want to recoup the associated costs of internet provision. Another consideration faced by BYOB customers are existing relationships or geographical concerns; some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are simply better suited for an established service area than others. 

BYOB = Ownership

The primary caveat of BYOB networks is the ownership of network connectivity. CallTower's network offers redundant connections through leading providers, monitored around the clock by our Network Operations Centers. When CallTower network customers experience a loss of connectivity, customers have the option to reach out to our 24x7x365 monitored services. Meanwhile, BYOB network customers will need to reach out to their individual ISP, which can result in varying degrees of success and satisfaction. 

Tools to Help

Loss of network connectivity can seem like an inevitability no matter the network, but there are tools CallTower can provide to assist. First, CT Cloud Boost provides local and global businesses with reliable performance for applications like voice and video. It is also cloud-agnostic, low-cost and can deployed within a week. CallTower also offers a dynamic voice redundancy solution called Managed Voice Continuity, an application failover solution to be used in the event of a down single circuit connection, emergency or natural disaster.

If you would like more information about CallTower's networks and our helpful tools like CT Cloud Boost and MVC, schedule a consultation today:



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