2 min read

What's Ahead For Unified Communications In 2019?

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apple-coffee-computer-356056We have almost reached the end of 2018. Can you believe the year is about to come to a close? The end of every year is a time when we reflect on everything that happened during the year and we look ahead to may come the next year. 

As you begin to make your business predictions for next year, you can draw great insights from your customer interactions and your partner interactions. You'll be able to identify all the trends you see gaining ground in your industry. In 2018, we saw an increase in the use of Unified Communications (UC) and workstream collaboration. Here are some of the things we expect to take place in 2019. 

Trend 1: Workplace Communication

There have been many discussions about traditional desktop phones and their importance to the industry. We are expecting to see other communication and collaboration technologies take the center of the stage, including messaging and video conferencing. As Microsoft Teams and other collaboration technologies continue to make their mark into the industry, we expect to see more remote workers. As remote work continues to increase, we will also see desktop phones being eliminated in many workplaces. Not only will remote work have an impact on desktop phones, but it will also result in more workplaces needing the services of MSPs (Managed Service Providers).

Trend 2: Improvements in User Training

If you want to create a workplace that is able to move quickly, a workplace that is more digital, and a workplace that is more productive, you will need to ensure you take steps to train your users so they will be able to adjust during the shift to a more digital workplace. Unified communications and workstream collaboration solutions are very user-friendly, but workplaces should ensure they are properly prepared to provide the necessary training from top to bottom, including how to remain compliant and how to ensure the proper security protocols are followed at all times. With threats and data breaches taking place on a yearly basis, it is very necessary that your employees are always aware of the proper way to use your software and other workplace solutions.

Trend 3: Greater Competition

Generally, vendors will place their attention on improving their products and services, while also attracting new users to your current offerings. With the larger UC vendors using cloud solutions to their advantage, more vendors are beginning to offer multiple services and solutions with their programs. Microsoft is one of the key vendors that attracts more users by bundling their services. Competition is definitely on the rise in the Unified Communications and workstream collaboration industry. As a result, vendors that only offer one service will need to step up to the plate if they want to remain a competitor. 

As we get ready to walk into 2019, will you be prepared with the roadmap you need to find success in 2019? Your workplace should be fully prepared with the proper strategy and a proper financial plan. Your 2019 transformation should be a realistic transformation.



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