GTx Rebiller Program 

CallTower Partner Seminar + Portal Demo

July 17, 2024 | 11:30AM EST // 9:30AM MST
GTx Rebiller Webinar-1




Elevate Your Operator Connect Services with GTx! 

Join us for an exclusive seminar showcasing CallTower's revolutionary new portal tailored for MSPs, System Integrators, Resellers, Distributors, and VARs. GTx redefines tech transactions, offering a seamless platform to empower partners in enhancing services, streamlining operations, and unlocking growth opportunities in unified communications. 

It's simple! Partners deliver their customers the highly sought-after Operator Connect for Microsoft Teams, while CallTower handles taxation and regulatory compliance with precision and expertise.

Unified Transactions: Simplify customer onboarding and management with an intuitive interface for Operator Connect provisioning. 

Instant Updates & Insights: Stay ahead with immediate access to porting, client setup, and the latest features in Operator Connect for Microsoft Teams. 

Customized Offerings: Tailor services to meet client needs, boosting satisfaction and loyalty.  

Dedicated Expertise: Leverage the support of CallTower's seasoned Rebiller Partner Managers to maximize GTx and Operator Connect potential. 

Empowerment Through Innovation: GTx equips partners with tools, resources, and support to excel in today's tech landscape and enhance Microsoft Teams Operator Connect experiences for customers. 

In this session, we will cover: 

👋  Introducing the GTx Rebiller Program for MS Teams OC

⚡  The Power of MS Teams Operator Connect

💻  GTx Demonstration

✅  The CallTower Advantage



Meet the Presenters:

William Rubio
William Rubio
Chief Revenue Officer
Jessica Flannery
Director of Global Strategic Alliances
Kade Herbert
Kade Herbert
Marketing Manager

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