Making the Call On Teams

On Demand


Combine the power of Native global voice enablement + key business integrations and unleash the full power of Microsoft Teams

How can your organization get the most collaborative use and ROI on an investment into Microsoft Teams? Simple: Take advantage of the array of tools available as crucial integrations with Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams delivers a dynamic and flexible communication solution – it’s time your organization empowers that solution with additional functionality to meet today’s unique and expanding business needs.

Meet the Presenters:


William Rubio

Chief Revenue Officer


Kade Herbert

Marketing Manager


On Demand Access

Our Presentation Includes:

Global Voice-Optimized System & Network

Contact Center Integrations

SMS/Text for MS Teams

One-Click Failover + Georedundancy

E911 + InformaCast Emergency Notification System

CT Cloud // Door Buzzers, Credit Card Machines, Paging Systems

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